Donating to TCF SA
As with most not-for-profit organisations, The Compassionate Friends SA relies on grants, donations and volunteers in order to provide services to our members as they travel their grief journey following the loss of their child.
Please consider a donation to our cause that will help us to cover our day-to-day running costs in supporting bereaved parents and their families. Every gift towards this is greatly appreciated and all donations above $2 are tax deductible.
How will your donation be used?
There are many expenses with running an organisation such as ours. The following identifies some of our functions that your valuable donation will be spent on:
- Conducting grief & bereavement seminars / workshops
- Sending bereavement packs to families
- Information Communication and Technology
- Room hire
- Printing information brochures
- Purchase of grief and support related resources
- Establishing support groups in regional & metropolitan SA
- Maintaining links between our metro and country members through the Country Connections programme
- Training volunteers
- Registration and other necessary administrative costs
- Awareness raising activities in the community
- Providing support through our telephone service
- Distribution of our quarterly newsletter
- Room and/or equipment hire for our annual events
Donations are tax deductible. A receipt for your donation will be sent as soon as possible.
Should any organisation/s wish to donate to our cause please contact our President or call 0456 820 133.
TCF SA would like to thank you for your kind and thoughtful donation.