The Compassionate Friends

State Chapters

National TCF Bodies


Support Services

Please find here details of other support services which may be of assistance to grieving parents. If there is another service that you know of or are involved with and that you think should be included here, please email us at with the details.


Beyondblue is primarily a national telephone and internet information service and can also refer people to accurate, up to date, easy to read information on depression, anxiety and related disorders. All calls and chats are one-on-one with a trained mental health professional, and completely confidential.
 Help line:  1300 22 4636


Centacare offers a confidential, professional counselling service for those confronted by loss and grief and work to provide a sympathetic and practical support as people journey through the grieving process.

Good Grief Counselling Service

Good Grief Counselling Service provides Grief and Loss and general counselling to people in the Spencer Gulf region, in helping the bereaved to work through the difficult issues of grief to come to a place of acceptance.

Address: Woodside House, 52 Forsyth Street, Whyalla SA 5600
Mobile: 0422 177 705


Information resource for the bereaved and grieving, their carers, friends and colleagues, and for health and welfare workers.

Journey beyond road trauma

By sharing your story you can help others understand the impact of road trauma and educate them about safe driving practises.


LIFELINE provides a 24hr telephone counselling service that is compassionate, non-judgmental, confidential and supportive of people from all walks of life, in need or in crisis.Counsellors are trained to help with crises in areas such as isolation, relationship difficulties, loss and grief, mental health, etc. LIFELINE has been helping South Australians of all ages, religions and social groups since 1963..

Services provided:

  • Telephone counselling 24 hours 131114
  • Grief education classes as part of training of telephone counsellors

Loss and Grief Service (Anglicare)

A specialised loss and grief counselling service for people of all ages who are bereaved or experiencing other types of loss.  Fee for service with fees structured to ensure everyone is able to access counselling support. AnglicareSA Loss & Grief services also offer support groups and grief counselling for children and young people.

Unwanted Mail

A “Do not mail, Do not call” service is offered by ADMA (the Australian Marketing Association) for those receiving unwanted mail/calls after someone’s death. To have a name taken off the list of more than 500 companies, contact ADMA.

Victim Support Service

Victim Support Service (VSS) provides free and confidential help to adult victims of crime, witnesses, their family, and friends across South Australia. We work in partnership with other organisations, we’re not a government agency or part of the police and you don’t have to report a crime to get our help. It doesn’t matter where the crime happened and you can call us any time after the crime, whether it was yesterday, last week or several years ago.


Other Support Groups

Please find here details of other support groups which may be of assistance to grieving parents. If there is another service that you know of or are involved with and that you think should be included here, please email us at with the details.

Cancer Council

Cancer support groups connect people affected by cancer and help them to share their experiences. Currently within South Australia cancer support groups operate independently to Cancer Council SA. These groups are either led by community members and /or health professionals. The views expressed by these support groups are the views of the support groups and are not necessarily those of Cancer Council SA

Homicide Victim Support Group

The H.V.S.G. of S.A. is a self support group for the families and friends of homicide victims. We have three main objectives: support, education and reform. We hold monthly meetings and produce a trimonthly newsletters. We can also arrange to meet one-to-one. We offer long term support with no restrictions on time.

General enquiries: Lynette Nitschke 0428 475 618

Living Beyond Suicide

A free program providing practical and sensitive  support to families and individuals bereaved though suicide. Staff and specially trained volunteers can offer home visits and telephone support. The service is available from 10am to 10pm, seven days a week. Anyone in the community can contact Living Beyond Suicide directly to access support. Living Beyond Suicide hosts the annual walk of remembrance “Walk Through the Darkness” in November.

Minimisation of Suicide Harm (MOSH Australia)

MOSH is dedicated to reducing the impact of suicide on the general community by supporting those at risk and those beraved by suicide. MOSH believed suicide prevention is a whole of community responsibility and everyone can make a difference, given the right support and information.

Pregnancy Loss Australia

The program offers support meetings across Australia for bereaved families. The meetings offer the opportunity to share, connect & relate with others who have experienced the loss of a baby. The meetings are set in a relaxed friendly atmosphere that enables you find extra support. We hope you come away feeling supported and understood from sharing amongst others who have had similar experiences.

Road Trauma Support Team of South Australia

The Road Trauma Support Team of South Australia provides free counselling and support for people who have been affected by road trauma, whether directly or indirectly.  This may include but not be limited to, vehicle occupants, family members, friends, work colleagues, witnesses, bystanders and emergency service personnel.


SANDS offers support to all bereaved parents and relatives who have suffered the death of a baby anytime from conception through to 28 days after birth – this includes, miscarriage, neonatal death, stillbirth, ectopic pregnancy and genetic/medically advised termination.

SIDS and Kids (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome)

SIDS and Kids provides bereavement support for all sudden unexpected deaths from conception up to and including 6 years of age. The cause of death could be SIDS, accidental death, fast onset illness, stillbirth or drowning.

Support after suicide

The impact of losing someone to suicide can be intense and overwhelming. We have information and resources and we provide counselling and group support directly to those bereaved by suicide. Support After Suicide is a program of Jesuit Social Services and is funded by the Department of Health under the National Suicide Prevention Strategy.

Teddy Love Club pregnancy and infant loss support

We are a support program for bereaved parents family & friends who have suffered any gestation loss of their baby to miscarriage, stillbirth, genetic induction or neo natal death.