publish a quarterly newsletter, supplied free to bereaved parents for the first issue. Thereafter, subscription is $30.00 per annum due 30th June each year.
A colour newsletter is sent by email. A black and white hard copy is available upon request.
TCFSA welcomes a wide range of contributions from members. Where possible, we try to include the content of a TCF brochure or article. Other content in this newsletter are views held by the individual contributors.
Our aim is to provide choice of information about bereavement, life after bereavement and developing meaning in your life following the loss of your child. We welcome contributions about all aspects of life after bereavement experienced by parents and siblings. We have no religious affiliation. Photos for memorial pages are returned with care.
Dates for submission of articles for upcoming newsletters are.
15th December for the Jan – March newsletter
15th March for the April – June newsletter
15th June for the July – September newsletter
15th September for the October – December newsletter
The newsletter is sent out in Jan, April, July and October.
Please feel free to submit stories about your child/children or poems, articles or anything you feel would be of interest to other TCFSA members.
Our aim is to provide choice information about bereavement, and life after the loss of a child.
Thank you to all our contributors and volunteers.
Newletter Compassionate Friends #158 Oct Nov Dec 2022pdf